
  • 2024/12/20:

    Last paper of 2024 out. Alex turned the theoretical part of his diploma thesis into a review on HSPs in Folia Biologica.

  • 2024/11/27:

    Totally unexpected but we found a new cleavage preference in proteases cleaving primarily after proline (so-called PPCEs). These enzymes chew not only after Pro and Ala but also reduced Cys! Rewrite the textbooks! Also, this is the awaited first author paper of Zuza and the very first paper for Jasmin.

  • 2024/09/26:

    New group members! Welcome Ezgi, Sascha, Tomas. Also and some "old" ones starting their PhD (Jasmina and Michael)! Great to have you here!

  • 2024/09/26:

    Congratulations to Luky on completing the PhD Quest !🎉 👏Dr. Fojtik is now ready for his Sotio adventures. Good luck!

  • 2024/08/16:

    Our expertise in analyzing products of protein oxidation may help other research teams. Glad, we got just the enzyme and were not involved in the fight with termites.

  • 2024/07/09:

    FPOP+DIA+tims looks like a prowerful cocktail. Just published in Anal Chem! And a second step towards Marek's thesis.

  • 2024/06/04:

    🎉 Congratulations to Jasmina, Michal and Alex on successfully defending their diploma theses and completing the MSc degree. Well done!

  • 2024/05/22:

    🎉 Congratulations 👏 to DOCTOR Maroq! PhD thesis defended! Now, alligators 🐊 and magnets 🧲 are calling from Florida.

  • 2024/05/03:

    Time to harvest the fruits of Luky's PhD thesis. This time on the application of FFAP in epitope mapping. Czech the recent Anal. Chem. contribution.

  • 2024/04/16:

    Inspiring and long-lasting collaboration with Daniel Khananshvili and Moshe Giladi from the Tel Aviv University on Na+/Ca2+ exchangers resulted in a nice joint paper in Commun Biol. Thank you guys for your hard work and persistence!

Horizon 2020


Structural characterization of biologicals and membrane proteins - Free EPIC-XS Online Workshop, February 9, 14:45-17:50 CET, 2023


The European Proteomics Infrastructure Consortium providing Access (EPIC-XS) consists of a unified network of experienced access providers and research groups who share a common goal: to facilitate the development and sustainability of proteomics exploration to all life science researchers within the European Union.

EPIC-XS has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 823839.



  • Structural mass spectrometry
  • Antibody structure
  • Transmembrane proteins
  • Computational approaches


Will be updated but spekaers are confirmed and timing settled

14:45 - 14:55
Participants joining, setting up connection
14:55 - 15:00
Welcome by chairperson, Michael Volny

Session 1 - ANTIBODIES

15:00 - 15:30
Introduction to antibody structure studies by mass spectrometry, Frank Sobott
15:30 - 15:50
Tuning HDX-MS pipeline for antibodies, Petr Man
15:50 - 16:10
Intact and top-down characterization of antibodies by high-resolution native MS, Maurits den Boer
16:10 - 16:20
Q&A with the three speakers moderated by Michael Volny
16:20 - 16:30


16:30 - 17:00
Structural mass spectrometry of membrane proteins, Julian Langer
17:00 - 17:20
Radical labelling techniques applied to membrane proteins, Petr Novak
17:20 - 17:40
Probing the functional dynamics of native membrane proteins by HDX-MS, Argyris Politis
17:40 - 17:50
Q&A with the three speakers moderated by Michael Volny


The workshop is free but the registration is required. It is available HERE. The session will be hosted on Zoom platform.

The past 2022 EPIC-XS Webinars were a great success; don’t miss the event and join the 10th EPIC-XS Webinar on hot topics (antibodies and membrane proteins) in structural proteomics!


  • Petr Novak
  • Petr Man
  • Michael Volny
  • Daniel Kavan