- 2024/12/20:
Last paper of 2024 out. Alex turned the theoretical part of his diploma thesis into a review on HSPs in Folia Biologica.
- 2024/11/27:
Totally unexpected but we found a new cleavage preference in proteases cleaving primarily after proline (so-called PPCEs). These enzymes chew not only after Pro and Ala but also reduced Cys! Rewrite the textbooks! Also, this is the awaited first author paper of Zuza and the very first paper for Jasmin.
- 2024/09/26:
New group members! Welcome Ezgi, Sascha, Tomas. Also and some "old" ones starting their PhD (Jasmina and Michael)! Great to have you here!
- 2024/09/26:
Congratulations to Luky on completing the PhD Quest !🎉 👏Dr. Fojtik is now ready for his Sotio adventures. Good luck!
- 2024/08/16:
Our expertise in analyzing products of protein oxidation may help other research teams. Glad, we got just the enzyme and were not involved in the fight with termites.
- 2024/07/09:
FPOP+DIA+tims looks like a prowerful cocktail. Just published in Anal Chem! And a second step towards Marek's thesis.
- 2024/06/04:
🎉 Congratulations to Jasmina, Michal and Alex on successfully defending their diploma theses and completing the MSc degree. Well done!
- 2024/05/22:
🎉 Congratulations 👏 to DOCTOR Maroq! PhD thesis defended! Now, alligators 🐊 and magnets 🧲 are calling from Florida.
- 2024/05/03:
Time to harvest the fruits of Luky's PhD thesis. This time on the application of FFAP in epitope mapping. Czech the recent Anal. Chem. contribution.
- 2024/04/16:
Inspiring and long-lasting collaboration with Daniel Khananshvili and Moshe Giladi from the Tel Aviv University on Na+/Ca2+ exchangers resulted in a nice joint paper in Commun Biol. Thank you guys for your hard work and persistence!
- 2024/04/15:
The 15th EFTMS workshop will start soon - on Wed, Apr 17, 2024. Dont miss the lecture of prof. Michael L. Gross lecture available also online. Check here.
- 2024/03/21:
Further insight into the function of an AsLOV2-FMN based singlet oxygen production provieded through a great collaboration with Erik Sedlak. Now published in Protein Science
- 2024/03/08:
Fantastic news - our collaboration with the Haitin group (Yoni and Moshe) brought surprising insights into the function of enigmatic intracellular chloride channels. And the sweet reward - the story made it to Nat Commun!
- 2024/03/06:
We have two more PhD position available. One on structural mass spec of prion proteins and membrane transporters and the other on clinical mass scpetrometry and method development. Apply till Apr 20!
- 2024/03/04:
Big welcome to Petr Jerabek. He has joined our group as a programmer and will help us with the development of fancy tools for MS data analysis in collaboration with Bruker.
- 2024/02/14:
We have a new visitor in our lab - Francesca Del Cioppo from the Uni Roma.
- 2024/01/26:
🕷🕷🕷Our lab ZOO is growing again. Mike's successor has just arrived! Welcome ❤ Mike II.
- 2024/01/20:
In 2023 we spent a lot of time working on different projects with Angel L. Pey from Uni of Grenada. Now the results are coming out. First one on AGT1 mutants is published in FEBS Lett. Thanks INSTRUCT and CIISB for support.
- 2024/01/18:
We are looking for PhD students! Position funded for 4 years in the field of structural MS and cool FT-MS top-down analysis - details here.
- 2024/01/17:
The last piece of Marok's PhD thesis puzzle is now in Anal. Chem. Well done Marok!
- 2024/01/13:
Welcome Honza and enjoy fun with structural mass spec!
- 2024/01/13:
Congratulations to Marek on his first first-author paper. Deep insight into FPOP data processing in now in J. Proteome. Res. .
- 2024/01/10:
We have two ERASMUS visitors from the University of Lisbon who will work with us on FT-ICR MS. Welcome Marta and Inês!
- 2024/01/03:
Our group is growing. Welcome Ženya!
- 2023/12/13:
We are organizing 15th EU FTMS workshop! It will take place in Prague on Apr 17-20, 2024. Check the web site for more information.
- 2023/11/03:
Great news, Ljubi is back after maternity leave 👶 👶 !
- 2023/10/26:
Alan's contribution to the desing of sci-fi SPIDOC instrumentation - single particle imaging of protein complexes. Out in the Journal of Instrumentation. Cool!
- 2023/10/26:
Fruits of Maartje's work in our lab is starting to pop-out. Top-down 2D MS for proteoform characterization, now in Anal Chem.
- 2023/10/02:
If you want something really cool, let THE BOSS do the work! Great interlaboratory work on the online deglycosylation in HDX and proteomics now out in JASMS.
- 2023/09/14:
Great news! Our JACS paper on FFAP technology was awarded Hanus Prize 2023 Congratulations to Kuky, Luky and all others.
- 2023/09/07:
New MMB chapter on our HDX workflow full of tips and tricks, especially on immobilized protease columns. This time applied to antibodies and from Zuza.
- 2023/08/25:
Another masterpiece from the ongoing collaboration with the Veverka group!
- 2023/07/18:
Good bye Maartje, thank you for teaching us 2DMS and good luck in Rouen!
- 2023/06/29:
Zuza's lucky week - state doctoral exam done and second paper out!
- 2023/06/01:
Congratulations to Valča on a successful MSc defense and good luck in future PhD!
- 2023/05/15:
Congratulations to Terka on the best IMIC master thesis in 2022!
- 2023/05/15:
MALDI chips rocks! Pepa's first paper is out in Clinical Proteomics!
- 2023/04/13:
Thrilling collaboration with Klara Hlouchova on “non-existing proteins”. Our achievements got well accepted in Nat Ecol Evol. Thanks EPIC-XS for support.
- 2023/04/12:
And yet another one piece with Angel Pey and Milagros Medina. Our collaborative effort on NQO1 active site mutations is now fully published in FEBS J. And again thanks EU FT-ICR MS (H2020) for support.
- 2022/10/13:
This year it looks like a solid harvest of work conducted with Angel L. Pey from Uni of Grenada. Another joint paper, this time on structural effects induced by cavity making mutation on a two domain protein - PGK1. Paper now available in Sci Rep. Thanks EU FT-ICR MS (H2020) for support.
- 2022/10/10:
Congratulations to Lukas on BIOCEV's PhD Student Publication Award - our JACS paper on FFAP attracts attention 😉. Great collaboration with the Beier group and CF Plus Chemicals. Thanks CSF and H2020 for financial support and HPST for sponsoring this award.
- 2022/09/13:
Insight into the role of site-specific phosphorylation of human antioxidant and disease-associated flavoprotein NQO1 provided through great collaboration with teams of Angel L. Pey and Milagros Medina. Paper now available in Arch Biochem Biophys. Thanks EU FT-ICR MS (H2020) for support.
- 2022/09/09:
Congratulations to Bára on succesfull (and very nice) master thesis defense!
- 2022/08/30:
Nice work with Moshe and Yoni, this time on tweety proteins is finally out. Freely available in Commun. Biol.! Emelia and guys, thanks for great collaboration and thanks EU FT-ICR MS (H2020) for support.
- 2022/07/21:
Our work on top-down FPOP, highlighting the benefits of exact gas-phase isolation of selected protein species and multiple fragmentation modes, is now available in the Analytical Chemistry!
- 2022/06/22:
Another popularization event with Aleš & Co. participation - Věda Fest!
- 2022/06/10:
Congratulations to Jasmína on Bc thesis defense! Happy she stays with us and will work on HDX of membrane proteins.
- 2022/06/10:
Congratulations to Aleš on becoming a group leader at the 1st Faculty of Medicine where he will continue with Víťa in their adventures. Good luck! We enjoyed the time together and are glad that we stay in close contact and will still work together.
- 2022/06/04:
Our PhDs lead by Aleš were presenting at the Science Fair (Veletrh vědy). Great event! Some pictures here - one, two, three... ;)
- 2022/06/02:
Another great paper on NQO1, now about cavity making mutantions and allostery in flavoproteins. Excellent multilaboratory collaboration lead by Angel L. Pey from the University of Granada. Thanks to EPIC-XS H2020 Project for support!
- 2022/05/31:
Congratulations to Terka on very nice master thesis defense! We wish her good luck on her PhD in the Heck's lab! 😲
- 2022/05/19:
This is big. Fantastic collaboration with Moshe and Yoni on cis-prenyltransferase continues with another great outcome. Paper now published in Sci. Adv. reveals how these enzymes synthesize long products via small active site!
- 2022/02/14:
Happy to help Klara and her team (KH lab) with the work deciphering evolution of early protein-RNA interaction. Paper supported by Terka and The Boss is now in high-ranking Mol. Biol. Evol. journal!
- 2022/02/09:
Marok's work on FPOP combined with top-down for transcription factor::dsDNA interaction is now published in Anal. Chem.! Very nice complement to our previus HDX and X-linking studies, now with residue level resolution.
- 2021/12/08:
Our team is growing! Welcome Maartje and Michael! We now have two real experts to expand MS into a second dimension and shoot the protein ions with all electron and laser guns we have. Top-down era of our lab is now making a huge leap forward.
- 2021/12/06:
Happy news! We received funding from the Czech Science Foundation to expand structural proteomics tools by developing new reagents, enhancing the existing ones and diving into transmembrane proteins.
- 2021/12/01:
Great success of Jarin and Fiji who have their protein fast-fluoralkylation tricks now published in prestigious J Am Chem Soc. Also thanks for fruitful collaboration - Beier group and CF Plus Chemicals.
- 2021/11/25:
Highly productive collaboration with Angel Pey led to another publication on mammalian NQO1 flavoproteins. This time on phosphorylation and a specific evolutionary divergent mutation close to it. Available in FEBS Letters. Thanks to EU_FT-ICR_MS H2020 Project for support!
- 2021/11/04:
Our systematic structural characterization of haptoglobin-hemoglobin interaction resulted in a first paper, Hp-Hb interaction studied by FPOP.
- 2021/09/23:
Congratulations to Honza (Fiji), now officially PhD in biochemistry!
- 2021/09/22:
Active and productive collaboration with Sergei Strelkov's lab resulted in another paper on lamin assembly. Work was done under EU_FT-ICR_MS H2020 Project.
- 2021/09/01:
After several years of post-docking in Hamburg, Alan returns to our lab. Welcome home Alan!
- 2021/08/20:
Great collaboration with Angel Luis Pey from the University of Granada resulted in a very nice multidisciplinary study on the effect of mutations in human flavoproteins. Now available in Redox Biology! Thanks to EU_FT-ICR_MS H2020 Project for support!
- 2021/06/15:
We are organizing 2nd Advanced User School under the H2020 EU_FT-ICR_MS consortium. The school will be held in Prague/Vestec, Czech Republic on September 26-30, 2021 and will be stuffed with basics and applications of FT-ICR MS. Participation fee, accommodation and meals covered for 50 selected participants. Registration form can be found HERE. Deadline for application - Aug 23, 2021. Entry to CZ is regulated according to actual COVID situation.
- 2021/05/31:
Petr's collaboration with the Volf's lab and Austrian's parasitologists is now published in Parasit. Vectors.
- 2021/04/21:
Proteomic analysis of F. pinicola secretome leading to expression and characterization of two laccases (collaboration with the Ludwig Lab) has just been accepted in Enzyme Microb Technol
- 2021/04/09:
Structural analysis of human haptoglobin by FPOP and the benefits of ion mobility (TIMS/PASEF) for such analysis is now published in ACS Omega
- 2021/03/25:
Structural aspects of Von Willebrand factor binding and processing by metallopeptidase ADAMTS-13 studiedby integrative structural biology. Trans-national access via the EPIC-XS resulted in a joint publication in J. Mol. Biol.
- 2021/03/10:
The results of collaboration with the parasitology groups from Charles University and Morroco are now published in Transboundary and Emerging Diseases
- 2021/03/08:
Our software LinX for interpretation of chemical cross-linking data, with special features for homodimer elucidation or protein:DNA cross-links is now available on GitHub and related paper published in J Prot Res
- 2021/02/05:
Nice colaboration with Erik Sedlak's group on cytochrome c oxidation is now available in Int J Biol Macromol. Thanks EU_FT-ICR_MS H2020 Project for supporting this trans-national access! Enjoy 50 days of free access using the link above (till Mar 27, 2021).
- 2021/01/31:
New joint paper with Ales, from the times he was not part of our lab. FEBS J paper on Ku70/80 intramolecular interactions combining cryoEM and structural MS.
- 2021/01/08:
Collaboration with the Ludwig lab resulted in another paper on wood degrading enzymes. This time about chimeric CDHs in ACS Catalysis.
- 2020/12/18:
Paper on TEAD1-DNA interaction is now published in Structure. Enjoy 50 days of free access (till Feb 4, 2021).
- 2020/12/14:
Congratulations to Paja, now officially PhD in biochemistry!
- 2020/12/11:
Our HDX workflow combined with Ruza's experience on protein-DNA interaction studies was compiled into Methods Mol. Biol. chapter that has just been published.
- 2020/11/20:
Two new papers employing MALDI biotyping of sand flies are now in Parasit. Vectors. Collaboration of Petr with the Volf's lab.
- 2020/10/19:
Pleasant colaboration with Haitin Lab on cis-prenyltrasferase made it from BioRXiv to Nature Communications!. Thanks EU_FT-ICR_MS H2020 Project for support!
- 2020/10/12:
Petr contributed to another community-wide paper stuffed with ideas and recommendations toward transparency and accessibility of data from cross-linking mass spectrometry. Check the full text!
- 2020/09/24:
Congratulations to Franta, now officially PhD in biochemistry!
- 2020/09/17:
Collaborative work with the team of Vaclav Veverka is now available in Structure.
- 2020/09/09:
Karel Vališ joined the Reviewer Board of Metabolites.
- 2020/09/07:
3D printing of MALDI targets is now published in Analytical Chemistry.
- 2020/09/07:
Files for hands-on sessions at 21. Czech MS School are available under Downloads.
- 2020/07/14:
Collaboration with Sergei Strelkov's lab on lamin assembly is now published. Work was done under EU_FT-ICR_MS H2020 Project.
- 2020/06/28:
We are organizing 7th Short Course Structural Proteomics: Analysis of protein surface accessibility by Top Down mass spectrometry under the H2020 EU_FT-ICR_MS consortium. The course will be held in Prague/Vestec, Czech Republic on August 16-19, 2020. There are still free places so do not hesitate to apply. Please be aware that travel restriction may apply and the situation may change till half of August.
- 2020/06/18:
Nice work and pleasant collaboration with the Haitin Lab on soluble chloride channel Clic-5 now out in The FASEB J.
Thanks EU_FT-ICR_MS H2020 Project for support! - 2020/06/12:
Another collaborative work with Haitin Lab done under EU_FT-ICR_MS H2020 Project this time on cis-prenyltrasferase is available as preprint on bioRXiv.
- 2020/06/01:
Ales Hnizda joined our lab. He is funded by Marie Sklodowska-Curie Action Individual Fellowship (Widening). Welcome Ales!
- 2020/05/05:
Collaboration with RECAMO team on heat shock proteins and co-chaperones resulted in another paper The interaction of the mitochondrial protein importer TOMM34 with HSP70 is regulated by TOMM34 phosphorylation and binding to 14-3-3 adaptors. which is now available in J Biol Chem.
- 2020/05/03:
New review Targeting ERK-Hippo Interplay in Cancer Therapy. from Karel is now published in Int. J. Mol. Sci..
- 2020/03/26:
CIISB offers priority and free-of-charge access for COVID-19 research proposals! More here
- 2020/03/05:
Another TNA access under EU_FT-ICR_MS H2020 Project resulted in joint paper with Erik Sedlak from Kosice. Now published in Scientific Reports.
- 2020/03/05:
Cellulose degradation combo by Franta. Two papers arising from collaboration with Roland Ludwig and Daniel Kracher are out. One in Biomolecules and another in Biotechnol. Biofuels.
- 2020/03/03:
Dmitry Loginov joined our lab. Welcome Dmitry!
- 2020/02/28:
Our systematic effort to understand what is going in chemical cross-linking resulted in another paper. This time about the cross-linker polarity. Enjoy author's copy available for 50 days.
- 2020/01/23:
Collaboration with Obsil's team on the interaction between 14-3-3 and caspase-2 was accepted in FEBS J.
- 2020/01/21:
We are proud of our IMIC colleagues Zdenek and Lucka for making this JACS paper a reality. And very happy to help with our MS skills!
- 2020/01/08:
Our new computational platform for biomolecular language processing called MatrixMotif is now available for download.
- 2020/01/07:
Petr Novak became the chair of the Czech Proteomics Society. Congratulations! :)
- 2020/01/07:
6th Short Course on FT-ICR-MS aimed at "Mapping post-translational modifications through FT-ICR" will be held in Lisbon in March 2020. Apply now, no participation fee, accommodation and meals covered!
- 2019/12/18:
Long-lasting, nice and enjoyable collaboration with Gill Norris from Massey University (NZ) resulted in one more paper on bacterions. Now published in FEBS Letters.
- 2019/12/12:
Results of another TNA access under EU_FT-ICR_MS H2020 Project are now in the FEBS Journal. Collaboration with the University of Pavia, Italy.
- 2019/12/11:
TNA access under EU_FT-ICR_MS H2020 Project gave rise to this nice paper on NQO1 dynamics. Collaboration with Angel L. Pey from the University of Granada, Spain.
- 2019/11/08:
Our collaboration with RECAMO team resulted in paper HSPA1A conformational mutants reveal a conserved structural unit in Hsp70 proteins. which is now available in BBA General Subjects.
Enjoy free author's access until Dec 27(using the hyperlink above)! - 2019/10/28:
Petr Novak joined the Editorial Board of Biomolecules.
- 2019/10/10:
Joint paper with Volf's lab showing identification of blood sources of Hematophagous arthropods is now in PLOS Neglected Tropical Diseases..
- 2019/10/04:
Our new publication combining ambient ion landing of proteases with structural biology is now in Catalyst.
- 2019/09/27:
The EPIC-XS proposal submission system is now online. Proposal can be submitted here.
- 2019/09/26:
Our paper describing characterization of transcription factor/DNA interaction by structural mass spectrometry has just been accepted!
- 2019/09/25:
Collaboration between IMIC, IOCB and CF Plus Chemicals resulted in a publication which is now available in Chemistry journal.
- 2019/08/05:
5th Short Course on FT-ICR-MS aimed at "Basics of FT-ICR: dynamic harmonization and computer simulation" will be held in early October in Moscow. Apply now, no participation fee, accommodation and meals covered!
- 2019/07/24:
Preprint version of our paper combining structural MS approaches for characterization of transcription factor / DNA interaction is now available in Biomolecules.
- 2019/07/19:
Chromatin Proteomics Workshop coorganized by EPIC-XS H2020 consortium will be on Sep 22-27, 2019 in Greece. Deadline (Jul 29) is approaching!.
- 2019/07/15:
Two new papers dealing with HDX-MS are out. In one we contributed to very important community wide guidelines paper in Nat. Methods - Recommendations for performing, interpreting and reporting hydrogen deuterium exchange mass spectrometry (HDX-MS) experiments. Antoher one is a joint Anal. Chem. paper with Kasper Rand's lab on HDX-compatible digestion of membrane proteins.
- 2019/07/10:
Joint paper with Valasek's lab describing how chemical cross-linking helps in structural characterization of 40S ribosomal subunit interacting with eIFs is now available in Nucleic Acid Research.
- 2019/07/10:
Short course on High Resolution Tandem Mass Spectrometry of Biomolecules will be organized by the EU_FT-ICR_MS H2020 consortium. Save the date and place: Aug 21-23, 2019, Warwick. Register here.
- 2019/06/24:
Few years ago, we helped Petrak's lab with the development of transmembrane proteome analysis. We are happy that Jirka's team is pushing it further and even happier we still keep in touch as this resulted in another nice J Proteomics paper.
- 2019/06/15:
Deadline for the first round of Transnational access proposal submission to EPIC-XS is apporaching (30th June 2019).
- 2019/06/12:
Congratulations to our Bc students (Zuzka, Verča, Týna, Kamila and Jana) on successful defense of their Bc theses.
- 2019/05/31:
Congratulations to Lucka Wallenfels (Hernychová) on successful defense of her PhD thesis and other happy life events. All the best in the future Lucka!.
- 2019/05/06:
Attempts to fully uderstand and somehow unify chemical cross-linking pushed further through interlaboratory comparion in which we participated. Read more in this community-wide Analytical Chemistry paper.
- 2019/05/05:
Short course on Ion-molecule reactions: fundamental and analytical aspects will be organized by the EU_FT-ICR_MS H2020 consortium. Save the date and place: June 25-27, 2019, Roma. Register here.
- 2019/04/29:
New publication about oligomerisation of NK cell receptors evaluated using homo-FRET and high resolution mass spectrometry - colaboration with Marek Cebecauer's group - is online in the International Journal of Molecular Sciences.
- 2019/03/02:
Advanced Users School on FT-ICR background will be organized by the EU_FT-ICR_MS H2020 consortium. Save the date and place: Apr 14-Apr18, 2019, Lisbon. Register here.
- 2019/01/26:
Joint paper with Ales Hnizda on structural characterization of pyrophosphatase NUDT15 and its thiopurine intolerance causing mutations is now available in Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA) - Proteins and Proteomics.
- 2018/11/28:
We recieved funding from Czech Science Foundation to study protein structure by reactive radical footprinting and top-down mass spectrometry.
- 2018/11/20:
Paper on Hsp70 dimerization - our collaboration with RECAMO team - has just been accepted in Mol Cell Proteomics.
- 2018/11/08:
Our work about structure of NK cell receptor Nkrp1b is now in Journal of Proteomics.
- 2018/09/13:
We are proud to be a part of another EU Horizon 2020 project called EPIC-XS (European Proteomics Infrastructure Consortium providing Access).
- 2018/07/19:
Our paper on MALDI chips suitable for detection of transferrin variants is now in Clinical Chemistry. So now we can detect who has serious problem with alcohol...
- 2018/07/13:
FEBS Congress 2018 in Prague is over. Thanks all who represented our lab at this event (one oral, one speed talk and four posters).
- 2018/07/12:
Joint paper with Veverka's group is now in PNAS.
- 2018/06/25:
Unique possibility to learn about FT-ICR MS opens to anyone through Summer school funded by EU FT-ICR MS Horizon project. Details available here. Number of places is limited, expenses are covered!
- 2018/06/14:
Prof. Dan Fabris from the University at Albany has just joined our group for half a year. Together we will work on DNA/RNA structure and interactions.
- 2018/06/09:
We returned from California where our lab presented three posters at the 66th ASMS Conference on Mass Spectrometry and Allied Topics
- 2018/06/07:
Joint paper with Sebo lab is now in FEBS Open Bio.
- 2018/04/14:
7th national MS conference at IMG in Prague was great! Thanks to all labmembers for their presentation (7poster talks + posters) and congratulations to Petra on the third place in Poster prize competition.
- 2018/03/05:
Trans-national access to our lab and the FT-ICR facility in BIOCEV is available for EU labs through EU-FTICR-MS project (Horizon 2020). You can apply here.
- 2018/02/26:
Results of fruitful collaboration with IOCB group were published in Leukemia.
- 2018/01/03:
Our lab is part of H2020 project European Network of Fourier-Transform Ion-Cyclotron-Resonance Mass Spectrometry Centers.
- 2017/12/28:
The effect of Quambalarine B on leukemic cells is now published in Oncotarget.
- 2017/12/18:
Software LinX ready for download.
- 2017/12/15:
A paper about structure of beta-N-acetylhexosaminidase is now in FEBS J.
- 2017/12/14:
Our work describing influence of cross-linker on the protein structure is now in Analytical Chemistry (2017/12/14)
- 2017/11/03:
Paper about structure and dynamics of heme-containing gas sensing protein where three groups joint their expertise (Martinkova lab, Dohnalek lab and our group) has just been accepted in J Biol Chem (2017/11/01)
- 2017/11/03:
Three talks and five posters from the lab just presented at the 7th Symposium on Structural Biology which was again a great event! (2017/10/25)
- 2017/11/03:
Joint paper with Obsil’s group just published in BBRC (2017/10/09)
- 2017/09/13:
Publication Protein Chips Compatible with MALDI Mass Spectrometry Prepared by Ambient Ion Landing was awarded Vladimir Hanus prize! Congratulations to all authors.
- 2017/06/28:
Petr Novak’s presentation at Proteins in action – biophysical techniques for protein research can be downloaded here.
- 2017/06/07:
Five posters presented by our great PhDs (Petra, Růža, Lucka, Michal and Lukáš) at the 65th ASMS conference in Indianapolis.
- 2017/06/01:
Joint paper with Eric Forest and Daniel Khananshvili has just appeared in the Journal of Biological Chemistry
- 2017/05/17:
Pavla and Jirka just presented posters at the first HDXMS conference in Sweden.
- 2017/04/12:
Great collaboration with Dave Schriemer’s lab on carnivorous proteases continues. Newly identified acid protease neprosin and its use in proteomics now in Molecular and Cellular Proteomics!
- 2017/04/11:
Another brick in the 14-3-3 wall with Obsil’s lab now in Biophysical Journal
- 2017/03/31:
Our lab presented five posters (Pavla, Franta, Michal, Lukáš and Jirka) and gave two talks (Petra and Petr N.) at the Czech MS Conference in Olomouc.
- 2017/02/20:
- 2017/02/11:
Our work on cellobiose dehydrogenase function is available in Biochimica et Biophysica Acta
- 2017/02/05:
Petra turned her master thesis into a publication in the Journal of Proteomics!
- 2016/12/10:
Our contribution to understanding of the Hippo signalling pathway is now available in the Experimental Cell Research.
- 2016/10/19:
Great collaboration with Aleš Hnízda on misregulation of purine 5´-nucleotidase is now online in the BMC Biology.
- 2016/10/10:
Joint paper with Markéta Martínková’s group in now in Proteins
- 2016/10/01:
Two papers with Obsil’s lab appeared in Sep and Oct in FEBS Journal and Journal of Biological Chemistry
- 2016/09/23:
Work on anticancer effect of Quambalarine B is now online in Journal of Natural Products
- 2016/09/19:
PhD thesis from the lab defended! Congratulations to Alan Kadek
- 2016/09/13:
Lab in media: Pomohli jsme odhalit co zabíjí zimující netopýry. original article in Scientific Reports
- 2016/09/05:
Bachelor and diploma theses from the group defended! Congratulations to Jitka Smetanova and Pavla Vankova
- 2016/08/15:
Lab in media: Our joint work with Dave Schriemer’s group on nepenthes proteases holds promise for celiac patiens. original article in Scientific Reports
- 2016/05/26:
Two diploma theses from the group defended! Congratulations to Ruzena Liskova and Frantisek Filandr
- 2016/03/19:
Lab in media: Our joint work with Jiri Petrak’s group on membrane proteomics attracts attention of proteomic community. original article in Journal of Proteomics
- 2016/01/04:
Lab in media: Commentary to our work on functionalized surfaces for MALDI-MS original article in Clinical Chemistry